Music & Worship Ministry
The sole purpose of the Music and Worship Ministry of Alexander Baptist Church is to bring glory and honor to God our Father through worship and praise. Singing is an exciting and powerful way for each of us to glorify and worship God. It is also commanded in Scripture as we read in Psalm 96: “Sing a new song to the Lord! Let the whole earth sing to the Lord! Sing to the Lord; praise his name. Each day proclaim the good news that he saves. Publish his glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things he does.”
We believe that worship is both our responsibility and our privilege as believers in Jesus Christ. When you visit one of our services, you will discover that our worship is much more than just singing songs and playing instruments. Instead, it is a time to come into His presence and offer Him our very best worship and praise because of Who He is and what He has done for us. The worship music at ABC is blended, including timeless hymns of the faith and contemporary songs of praise that are scripturally and theologically sound, accompanied by a variety of musical instruments. The intention of the ABC Music and Worship Ministry is to draw each person in the congregation into a place of “worship” each time we gather together to meet God. We pray you will join us as we seek to fulfill God’s main purpose for our lives—to worship Him.
Celebration Choir
This choir includes adults and students who are called by God to use their musical gifts and talents to lead in worship each Sunday morning. The Celebration Choir is also involved in the presentation of seasonal programs throughout the church year. Prior musical training and experience, though helpful, are not requirements for membership in the ABC Celebration Choir. However, we do expect all members to have a heart for worship, a testimony in their personal lives that will reflect a solid relationship with Jesus Christ, and a commitment to faithfully serve Him as worship leaders. Our desire is that our offerings of music in worship each week will help to draw the congregation into the presence of our Lord, will prepare the hearts of worshippers to receive the Word of God, and will, most importantly, bring glory to God as we sing. For information on joining choir, or choir rehearsal times, please talk with one of the Pastors.
Worship Band
This group, consisting of auditioned musicians who sing, play piano, keyboard, guitars and drums, leads in congregational worship during our Sunday morning and evening services and for other special services throughout the church year. The purpose of this ministry is not to merely lead in song, but to point the body to Christ through music. Members of this group must have: a high level of musical ability and skill; the discipline to prepare in advance; and, most importantly, a passion for worship. In addition, each member must have a personal testimony that reflects a heart for worship and a solid relationship with Jesus Christ. If you have an interest in auditioning for this group, please talk with one of the Pastors.
Kids Choir Programs
ABC Kids Choir programs are available for children ages 3 – grade 6. Choir provides an excellent opportunity for children of all ages to learn basic musical skills and concepts through a Christ-centered music curriculum. The songs they learn also teach them to love the Lord and express that love through their worship and praise. Choirs are agegraded to allow settings and materials appropriate for each level of a child’s development. Our leaders are competent and committed adults who both love the Lord and love God’s children. Special seasonal programs are presented by each choir. In addition, there are opportunities for the children to sing in worship services throughout the year. For more information, please talk with one of the Pastors.
Audio Visual Team
The work of the AV team is a vital component of our worship services. Audio-Visual team responsibilities include, but are not limited to, management of sound for musicians and speakers throughout worship services, projection of slide shows and videos during services, recording of audio and video throughout services, management of stage and sanctuary lighting, and working with the choir and worship band in preparation for worship services and any other special programs. Persons interested in becoming a member of this team must have a solid relationship with Christ, must have a sincere heart for worship, and must have a clear understanding that the purpose of this ministry is to strive to bring members of the congregation into God’s presence during worship services. If you have an interest in being a part of this ministry, please talk with one of the Pastors.